La Teste-de-Buch


Music Conservatory

Contracting owner: Commune de La Teste-de-Buch
Cost: 5 200 000 € H.T
Surface area: 1540 sq. m.

For us, a music school is a place where we work (sometimes a lot) but it is also a place where we come because we have chosen to be there. There is therefore a double view to be taken of this type of facility. What we are presenting here is an architecture that claims a benevolent presence in the city. What interests us is to show that the site has a history, and that this history is transformed in order to provide a plant presence that becomes a texture, a picture for the city.

By installing the volumes in a kind of dynamic assembly, the façade resonates with the city. The volumes seem to dance, to be in movement. Obviously, this can make one think of a musical staff. The building evokes what it contains. In any case, it calls out and makes you want to go and see what is going on inside. Most of the time we have banned parallel walls. This choice is obviously not related to the architect's whim, but to the acoustics, which are much better with non-orthonormal geometries.

The poetic dimension of our project is at the service of the quality of the space. We want to build places that offer pleasure. The pleasure of being there, of being encompassed by beautiful spaces designed for the comfort of users.