

Urban renewal of the new Frayère

Client : Ville de Cannes
Coût : 8 500 000 € H.T

Our project is based on the objective data of the site and what we have designed accompanies and reveals what is almost already there. The new pedestals are associated with the existing buildings, freeing themselves from the orthonormal geometry of the buildings in the neighbourhood. The new volumes rotate to better contextualise themselves to the geometry of the site and to the paths of the new site flows. The project seeks to set up situations, urban sequences that relate to the picturesque cities we all love. It plays on several registers, geometry, colour and the new programmes bring an obvious richness and attractiveness. For us, architecture must be at the service of use. However, what is just as important in the project is the question of public space and landscape. What we are proposing here is to reinforce the landscape framework by proposing a real canopy. What we are trying to implement here are places where it is good to live, where conviviality is present, where the pittoresque has its place. The new programmes give the site a quality and urban appeal. The landscape accompanies the programmes and the flows, harmonising the whole.