

Medical-psychological centre and day hospital for child psychiatry

Contracting owner: Centre hospitalier Georges Daumézon
Cost: 3 040 000 € H.T
Surface area: 1 100 m²

It was important to us to find the right harmony between the spaces and thus establish the right functional relationships. We were guided by the notions of fluidity, transparency and natural light. In our project, each entity has its place; each entity has its character, its personality and its singularity. Everything is organised so that the spaces are as generous and qualitative as possible and have their own identity. To support the logic of the plan, we felt it was important to propose volumes that would show the singularity of the units from the outside. The result is a project that seems to have grouped together small houses, a small village in a way. Like construction games, we want to appeal to the imagination of children. The different volumes resonate with each other and give the project a friendly and playful image. A cheerful building, therefore, a building that makes you want to be there. We want to install this cheerfulness in just the right way so that children and staff appreciate the architecture that welcomes them. Well integrated into its site, the building echoes the houses in the neighbourhood. It blends into the landscape and gives the city a domestic scale.