

Dance workshops

Client : Ville de Lyon Budget : 10 100 000 € H.T. Area : 4 200 m2

The project of the dance workshops aims to create a real technical and artistic machine at the intersection of dance and its production. The new space attempts to erase or redefine the various boundaries: those between the workshops and the city, between the outside and the inside, between the front and the back, between the artists and the public, and of course between the different disciplines. Convinced that void is a space of possibilities, the first principle is to design more void and more volume and to set up a building without limits between what is scenic and what is not, in order to provide a tool for the most original and challenging scenarios.

Through its silhouettes and materials, our project offers both a gentle and playful presence. We want the building to evoke what it contains and, for us, the architecture must reflect the creativity of the programme.